Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Get the Lead Out- Part 1

One of the toughest things to do is to change. If someone has done drugs all of their life, then it will be hard for them to quit. If someone has used profanity all of their life and it is all that they have heard, then it will be hard for them to stop using that kind of language. If being a follower is all that a person knows to be, then being a leader is perceived as an unattainable concept for them.

Unfortunately, I still struggle with the idea of being a leader, in being a husband and a spiritual leader in the church and my family. Growing up I was never encouraged to take the lead because that's what parents were for. Looking back on that I realize that I was done a great disservice in that I was not taught or encouraged to lead. Now that leadership is involved in every decision that I make I can see the changes that I need to make in order to become the leader that I need to be.

In order to be a leader there are three areas that need to be fulfilled. The first area has to do with having the will to lead. If a leader has no drive then he/she will never get anyone anywhere. When was the last time you heard about a follower accidentally stumbling upon victory? It does not happen. There must be the will along with the intent to lead and accomplish. What we need to realize is what Moses had to realize eventually- God will give us the strength and the knowledge. Only by trusting in him will we then receive the victory. So let's get the lead out and get out in the lead.


Mike Green said...

If there is one thing I've learned in my short time in being a church planter it is that in order to be successful, you've got to be a leader.

Anonymous said...

"Growing up I was never encouraged to take the lead because that's what parents were for. Looking back on that I realize that I was done a great disservice in that I was not taught or encouraged to lead."

I find that part of your blog pretty enlightening. I never really thought about encouraging my kids to be leaders - I guess I, too, have done them a disservice. Maybe it's not too late to work on them.